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Thursday, March 18, 2010

6 Hat Method

Trying to use 6-Hat Method (1) to solve a problem. Let's put on the 6 hats:
White hat – Facts & Information:
I have a dog Frida, who becomes a disaster and frankly-speaking I can't take care of her. I have 2 cats whom I love and I want them to feel happy and at home, but they are scared of the dog. The dog gets dangerous for them if she does not get enough walks/attention.
Red hat – Feelings & Emotions:
Tired, exhausted, sorry for Frida, sorry for cats - they are not happy together and I'm not happy with them

Black hat – Critical Judgment:
cats are scared
Ginger cant go to the toilet outside
I cant improve my garden
I cant find time to walk with Frida
Frida is niserable to sit locked in the yard
In winter she won't have any place to sleep as she eats blankets

Yellow hat – Positive:
It is nice to walk and run with Frida
It is a new learning experience to raise a dog
Topic to talk with others about

Green hat – New Ideas:
What if I take her to a kennel for a while and see if she feels better there?
What if I look for somebody to look after her?

Blue hat – The Big Picture:
So the strategy would be - talk to more people, phone SPCA and find out their opinion, look at the situation again after a while, in the meantime try to find if anybody can take her at all.

1)de Bono, Edward (1985). Six Thinking Hats: An Essential Approach to Business Management. Little, Brown, & Company. ISBN 0316177911 (hardback) and 0316178314 (paperback).

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