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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What if the Rules were Different?

What if what you are supposed to do, to be, to look like is changed? It changes all the type - behavior norms, preferences, fashions. Should you be fat or skinny? Should you be active or sedentary? Should you have a family or pursue a career? Follow a religion or be an atheist?
What if what you are struggling to achieve today, will be declared futile, stupid or even evil in the future? There are many ways..
According to Hofstede - only the values stay the same..and that means lots of freedom. Time to look out of the box?

PS. Found "Marriage: A History" book yesterday - the rules were so different before. Turns out we've just in the crisis of Love marriage. And Man-breadwinner marriage is a thing of 1950es - ONLY (I was always wondering why this thing still sticks up to everyone's minds - probably because it is so relatively new)!

Ok, I just need somebody comfortable to sleep with (cats are not comfortable, they push me off the bed and steal the blanket)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Essential Feature of a Great Speaker

Essential feature of a Great Speaker is Great Content. This idea came to me today as I was thinking of the last SANEA lecture and Brian Stratham presentation. He kept my attention for the whole 40-50 minutes of the lecture. I wanted to make so many notes, but was too scared to miss out on what he was saying. Only wrote down a few sentences after the lecture. And even these few sentences are full of meaning still.
Was his speech perfect? Not at all. Did he have a perfect clear voice? No, again. But the content was brilliant.
So the bottom line - if you have nothing to say - rather shut up. No beautiful words, perfect tone or immaculate language will save a speech without a meaning.