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Friday, July 16, 2010

About Planning

When you turn guesses into plans, you enter a danger zone. Plans let the past drive the future. They put blinders on you. “This is where we’re going because, well, that’s where we said we were going.” And that’s the problem: Plans are inconsistent with improvisation. (Rework. Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson)
Yeah, planning is just a sort of uncertainty avoidance and I need to work on letting my plans go when a better way of doing things arrives (and there is always a better way! - if I'm optimistic that is). But I'm not saying that planning should be discarded - I think the best is to plan and then change as the situation changes (and it always changes - even if I'm pessimistic!)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Probably anybody writing a research is interested in creativity, so here we go - creativity cookbook:,0

:-) Now I have a great incentive to go dancing the Friday night off - so that I can write something very creative over the weekend!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I finally understood how to use search in electronic databases portal:
- find an article that you are looking for
- find a journal where it was published
- find which database contains this journal in full-text
- find the right issue and download the article

I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY (oh, why???) normal search will never give you the article!!!