A long time ago, I needed to write a speech to introduce myself. I could not think of anything better than to present myself as a runner. I run. No, not just for fitness on the road. I run through life. I was born in the space of time between my mom's ringing a bell to call a nurse to attend her childbirth and the nurse actually arriving. Phew, just in time.
After that, I went through the world that presented an endless array of closing opportunities: to catch them I had to run faster and faster. Someone asked me recently if I was born in the Wonderland. I am sure I was: "
My dear, here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that." (Queen in Lewis Carrol's "Through the Looking Glass").
Anytime I learn something new, I find that I need to apply it immediately while it's sitting raw and uncomfortable in my perplexed brain. If I write a blog or an article, I immediately need to present it to someone to confirm my skill or experience. If I watch a movie before going abroad, it turns out to be about my travel destination and shows me important travel tips without which I would be in trouble. I plant the seeds just before the rain starts from the clear sky. I throw away a large pile of garbage just a week before PikitUp goes on strike for a month. And it always rings in my brain: "phew, that was close".
I look in wonder at people who take their time and wait for the opportunity to come to them and then they examine it for a few weeks to make sure it's good for them. How lucky they are! My next opportunity closes in 5 minutes. Sorry, gotta run to catch its tail...